Loneliness: The Silent Epidemic Taking 15 Years Off Your Life
By David Reveles, Founder of Origins Unity Despite constant meetings and digital connections, many professionals are isolated and alone. Research shows loneliness can cut your lifespan by up to 15 years, increasing risks of heart disease, depression, and even early death—comparable to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. At Origins Unity, we take a holistic approach […]
Top 10 Breathing Techniques to Reduce Stress for Busy Professionals
Unlock Peak Performance and Well-Being Through Breathwork at Work Stress, fatigue, and overwhelm have become all too common. It’s a given and if we can’t keep up, well, someone else can. The good news? We’re all feeling it and no one is exempt. And there is an answer. We have a simple, science-backed solution right […]
The Journey to Holistic Wellness: David Reveles’ Story of Redemption

Overcoming Life’s Challenges David Reveles’ remarkable journey is one characterized by determination and resilience. Faced with depression, anxiety, chronic pain, learning disorders, and burnout, David found himself at a crossroads. The conventional methods that once guided him offered little solace or lasting relief. This led to a deep exploration of alternative healing methods and natural […]
What is The Clear Difference Between Wellness and Wellbeing?

What is The Clear Difference Between Wellness and Wellbeing? Share Post : Defining The Difference of Wellness and Wellbeing Wellness means functioning optimally in the environment we’re in. This can take many forms and requires adaptation and customization for each individual person. Wellness also requires periodic variation and change to remain sustainable. Wellness is an […]
Personal Values – The Guiding Light

Personal Values – The Guiding Light Share Post : Personal Values need to be the center and basis of our wellness. Without knowing them, we will have no idea how to direct our life. We may fall short of who we are, if we do not determine our values and how to align with them.Our […]
Personal Growth: What does this mean?

Personal Growth: What does this mean? Share Post : n general terms, personal growth can be understood as self-improvement of your skills, knowledge, personal qualities, life goals and overall outlook. It can look different for everyone and may change day-to-day. Personal growth is improving upon the areas we have previously identified (as important to us) […]
Virtue: Live by Your Own Truth

Virtue: Live by Your Own Truth Share Post : Whatever this means to you, keep it, and hold it close. Fight for it. Stand up for it and represent it well in all your acts and conduct. Your virtue is what you must live by. It is personal and deeply meaningful to you. Virtue can […]
Discovering Tranquility: A Beginner’s look at the Power of Mindfulness

Discovering Tranquility: A Beginner’s look at the Power of Mindfulness Share Post : Mindfulness gives us the ability to recognize our options and take back control of our lives. It gives us the power to become the person we want to be. History and Origin of Mindfulness The definition of mindfulness comes from Pali (Middle […]
How to Create a Company Culture around Mindfulness
Polyvagal theory: Complex interplay Share Post : Mindfulness is the practice of being present and fully engaged in the current moment. It can help individuals reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being. Creating a company culture around mindfulness can have numerous benefits, including increased employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall wellness. Here are some tips […]
Polyvagal theory: Complex interplay
Polyvagal theory: Complex interplay Share Post : Polyvagal theory is a relatively new and influential concept in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and psychiatry. Developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, the theory has revolutionized our understanding of the autonomic nervous system and its role in emotional regulation and social behavior. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is […]